Working line GSD pups both parents imported from Czech republic
Pups due Dec.5th deposits now being accepted
Gilmo Vikar… 2018 National Champion PSA1, 2017 USA world team IPO 3, HD fast normal, ED Normal X
Jezabel od Hradcanskeho Rybnika…IPO 1, HD/ED Normal
This is a repeat litter , for those who follow my dogs Klaus is out of the same breeding. He is an exceptional dog , hard full grips , high food drive and is doing fantastic in tracking.
Gilmo (aka Krockett) is a spectacular example of a German Shepherd. He has extreme food drive and is a methodical concentrated tracker. He is eager to please and had flashy quick obedience. His bitework is outstanding with full, hard and crushing grips.. Gilmo has rock solid nerves with an excellent off switch
Jezabel is extremely clear headed , excellent temperment with solid nerves. She has a full grip as do her pups from last litter which are excelling in IPO as well as PSA. She has high food drive and an excellent tracker as well as a great off switch.
Prior litter contained dark sables, solid black and a bicolor.
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