We are extremely pleased to announce the arrival of Maggie May’s litters. Our puppies are ready for their forever family pet homes
Litter consists of 8 puppies, 5 boys – 3 girls.
All puppies are hereditary clear of GR PRA1, GR PRA2 and ICT-A genetic diseases.
Maggie May is a wonderful, caring dog and has been the most compelling mum to her litter. She is very obedient and attentive which makes her a joy. She has a superb temperament and is extremely gentle and laid back with everyone including young children and other dogs.
The sire of the litter, Bow, comes from an established breeder who has raised a fantastic dog. He is a proven gorgeous stud with a fabulous health test record. He has a great physique and good conformation. His details can be found here;
The puppies have been reared in our home and handled from birth being introduced to all the usual household noises. They have been shown the best start with lots of cuddles and attention from mum and us including our 16month old daughter Annabelle. We can say that all 8 are developing into their own character already.
The litter is A.K.C registered and each pup will come with a 5 generation pedigree certificate, have their first vaccination, worming treatment complete and will be micro chipped.
Each puppy will come with a tailored puppy pack with useful information to help guide you in raising a golden retriever along with your puppies first food bowl, chew toy, a supply of food to get you started and some training treats.
Prospective families will be required to supply information regarding their home and work circumstances so we can place them with the most suitable loving homes.